
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Intro to My New Blog

Hello everyone!  Welcome to my new blog, the first spin off from my Geeky Mormon blog.  This blog will basically be me talking about being a dad.  Not just any ordinary dad, but a geeky dad.  As a geek and a parent, I take my responsibilities very seriously.  As a parent, I am responsible for raising my children to be upstanding adults.  I am responsible for teaching them right from wrong and how to be nice and loving and smart and all of that stuff.  As a geek, I feel a great burden to teach my kids how to do all of that stuff while still being geeks.  They are the next generation, and I need to raise them up to take my place in the world of geek.
On this blog, you will find my experiences as a father.  I am not perfect, by any means, so I will often talk about my screw ups, because their funny.  My kids are not perfect, no matter how much I would like them to be, so I will talk about the funny things they do.  My wife is perfect, so she will only be making appearances in the blog to steer my straight.
If I'm not perfect, then what makes me qualified to write a parenting type blog?  Easy, I'm a parent.  No parents are perfect (except my aforementioned wife).  Seriously, think back to your own childhood, and I'll bet you can think of ways that your parents messed you up for the rest of your life. Now that you are a parent, think about your own kids, and just know, someday they will be looking back at their own childhood and recognize all the ways you messed them up.  It is the parenthood circle.  As a parent, I don't need to be perfect to write about being a parent, I just need to be a parent, and enjoy writing a little bit.  If your question about what qualifies pertains to my actual credentials as a parent, then let me put your mind at ease.  I am the father of 5 little kids.  The oldest, at the time of this post, is 7 1/2.  The youngest is 18 months.  I have seen things...and I have survived, at least so far (I don't want to think about the teenage years.  I am hoping to just have a heart attack and be dead by then).  The most important thing about all of that is that I still love all of my kids. A lot.  That is the most amazing thing to me.  Kids come into your life and the rob you of all your sleep, all your money, and all your free time.  All the things I valued the most before having kids.  They come into your life and just bleed you dry, and the miraculous part is that you love it. You still love them and you keep giving, and most of the time, you just feel bad that you don't have more to give.
Now, about the number of kids we have.  It is 5.  Yes, that's a lot.  No, we aren't ready to say we're through yet.  Yes, we are Mormons.  Yes, Mormons have a lot of kids.  No, I don't think having 5 kids is irresponsible.  Having 5 kids and asking you to take care of them and raise them would be irresponsible, but I don't do that.  I know you didn't ask, but you should have: Yes, the number of kids my wife and I choose to have really is none of your business.
Now that we got that out of the way, I hope you will like this blog.  I am going to start by re-posting some of my other posts from the Geeky Mormon blog to this blog.  Then I will try to add some new things to this blog on a regular basis, and keep the parenting stuff off the other blog.  Please feel free to check out my other blog, The Geeky Mormon.  There I write about whatever geeky things come into my mind.
Again, thank you for coming to this blog.  Happy reading!

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